home made medals
Garden Olympics

Dear all, In these new and strange times when we are all staying at home to keep safe, I thought you might like some of my eco-friendly home-school ideas to keep you out of mischief! Garden Olympics. – Look at a world map and choose a country to represent. Learn some facts about your country […]

Coronavirus Key Worker Information

If you believe you are a Key Worker as described by the government AND you will require childcare.  Please CLICK HERE to complete our survey.

Coronavirus Key Worker Information

If you believe you are a Key Worker as described by the government AND you will require childcare.  Please CLICK HERE to complete our survey.


COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It’s caused by a virus called coronavirus. If you need more information on the virus, in the first instance please click here to view the NHS guidance. If you think you may have the virus or have been in close contact with someone that has […]