Whitehouse Common’s article

Check out Whitehouse Common’s article about our visit last week: http://www.whitehousecommon.bham.sch.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=23&Itemid=44

Visit to Whitehouse Common

On Thursday we went to visit the Whitehouse Common Eco-Team to get the stamps that they have collected for Oxfam. They had collected loads! We also swapped ideas for how we can make our schools more environmentally friendly. Thanks for hosting us Whitehouse Common!

Heating Problems

We are currently experiencing a few technical difficulties with our heating in KS2!! Engineers are looking into it and we are monitoring the situation very closely.  Please can the children in KS2 wear extra layers next week.

Good Luck Mrs Harrison

We have to say goodbye and good luck to Mrs Harrison in Reception who leaves us this week to go on maternity leave.  We wish her and her new baby the very best of luck and look forward to meeting your new addition.