At Hollyfield there is a range of various Arts taking place within school and outside of school. Take a look at what’s going on here in our online gallery.
You can see some our display boards that showcase and celebrate the artwork that the children have created during Art lessons. They learn and develop skills their skills when it comes to drawing, painting and 3D sculpture. We also have an after-school Art Club which is carried out by our Art Lead. The club has been very popular amongst the children. More recently, they have created a dragon’s eye sculpture.
In Music children learn to compose music and how to play instruments. Year 4 are learning to play the Ukulele. We have numerous children that have participated in Young Voices. The children practised after school with our Music Lead and went to Birmingham to perform.
Within our P.E lessons children have the opportunity to complete a dance unit. The children practise over the weeks to work together and collaborate to choreograph a dance routine which is then performed to their peers. We also have several sports clubs that are carried out after school. Recently our gymnastics team did amazing at a competition. You can see how proud they are in the photo!
We are always looking for opportunities to incorporate drama into our lessons. You will often see this side of pupils in Christmas productions, class assemblies and in the classroom when children have the chance to role play or use hot seating to really understand a character or person they are studying.