All posts by admin

Lates & Illnesses

Please ensure you inform a member of the office team if your child is going to be late or off school with illness.  It is important that the office staff are aware, even if you have told a member of teaching staff.  As a safeguarding measure,  the office staff will always follow up any illness […]

Online recycling survey

Hi Everyone, please can you spare 5 minutes to interview a friend or relative with this online survey all about recycling? You will need the blog code to take part in the survey: 241956  

Hatching Eggs in Reception

Living Eggs have once again kindly delivered some eggs into school so that the children had the opportunity to experience watching baby chicks hatch from their shells. This year we have all been lucky enough to have a live feed set up for the whole school to watch this amazing experience and we are pleased […]

School Dinner Price Increase

Dinner money prices are going up AFTER EASTER to £2.25 per meal making the total weekly price £11.25.  Please see the chart on our Newsletter on 31st March for the prices up until the Summer.  Please continue to log on to your Parentpay account to make payments.